Results for 'Knut K. Kolskår'

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  1. Clinical Utility of Mindfulness Training in the Treatment of Fatigue After Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury and Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis.Kristine M. Ulrichsen, Tobias Kaufmann, Erlend S. Dørum, Knut K. Kolskår, Geneviève Richard, Dag Alnæs, Tone J. Arneberg, Lars T. Westlye & Jan E. Nordvik - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Verdien av IQ – en kommentar til «Bright newworld» av Ole Martin Moen.Kjetil K. Haugen, Knut P. Heen & Stål K. Bjørkly - 2017 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 52 (4):180-186.
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  3. How To Be a Moral Platonist.Knut Olav Skarsune - 2015 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics (10).
    Contrary to popular opinion, non-natural realism can explain both why normative properties supervene on descriptive properties, and why this pattern is analytic. The explanation proceeds by positing a subtle polysemy in normative predicates like “good”. Such predicates express slightly different senses when they are applied to particulars (like Florence Nightingale) and to kinds (like altruism). The former sense, “goodPAR”, can be defined in terms of the latter, “goodKIN”, as follows: x is goodPAR iff there is a kind K such that (...)
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    Bhagavadgītā, Ecosophy T, and deep ecology.Knut A. Jacobsen - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (2):219-238.
    This article analyses the influence of Hinduism on Ecosophy T. Arne Naess in several of his environmental writings quotes verse 6.29 of the Bhagavadgitā, a Hindu sacred text. The verse is understood to illustrate the close relationship between the ideas of oneness of all living beings, non‐injury and self‐realization. The article compares the interpretations of the verse of some of the most important Hindu commentators on the Bhagavadgitā with the environmentalist interpretation. There is no agreement in the history of the (...)
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    Dieter Adelmann, Die Tränen des Henri Quatre. Ein Essay, aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben, ergänzt und mit einem einleitenden Vorwort versehen von Görge K. Hasselhoff , Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam 2014, 112 S. [REVIEW]Knut Martin Stünkel - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (1):98-99.
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    Beyond the Ethical Demand.K. E. Logstrup & Kees van Kooten Niekerk - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Danish theologian-philosopher K. E. Løgstrup is second in reputation in his homeland only to Søren Kierkegaard. He is best known outside Europe for his _The Ethical Demand_, first published in Danish in 1956 and published in an expanded English translation in 1997. _Beyond the Ethical Demand_ contains excerpts, translated into English for the first time, from the numerous books and essays Løgstrup continued to write throughout his life. In the first essay, he engages the critical response to _The Ethical (...)
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    "Diese Einheit von Erzeugen und Erzeugnis fordert den Begriff des reinen Denkens": Vorträge zu Erkenntnistheorie und Religion im Denken Hermann Cohens.Görge K. Hasselhoff (ed.) - 2020 - Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
    Zwei Anlässe bilden den Ausgangspunkt für diesen Sammelband. Anlässlich des 100. Todestags von Hermann Cohen fand im Oktober 2018 in Dortmund ein Symposium statt, das hier dokumentiert wird. Im Mittelpunkt standen hierbei die Fragen nach Cohens Bedeutung für die Philosophiegeschichte bis in die Gegenwart sowie nach der bleibenden Relevanz seines Religionsbegriffs. Zudem wird Dieter Adelmanns grundlegende Studie zum Herkommen des Begriffs „erzeugen“ in Cohens Logik der reinen Erkenntnis aus der Synthese von früher Wissenschaft des Judentums und der Humboldtschen Sprachphilosophie im (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Norway.Kjell S. Johannessen (ed.) - 1994 - Oslo: Solum Press.
    Knut Olav Almås. Solum, 1994. 295 s. ISBN 82-560-0936-5 Den østerrrikske filosofen Wittgenstein var ikke bare opptatt av den norske vestlandsnaturen, men også fascinert av menneskene som levde der. Denne bio-grafien om ham har hans forhold til Norge som hovedtema. Her har en sett på hans bakgrunn for gjentatte Norges-besøk, og dokumentert hans relasjoner tilSkjolden-bygda i Sognefjorden. Her kan en presentere en rekke korrespondansemed mennesker fra Skjolden, alt for å kaste lys over Wittgenstein som både filosof og person. Det (...)
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  9. Darwin and moral realism: Survival of the iffiest.Knut Olav Skarsaune - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (2):229-243.
    This paper defends moral realism against Sharon Street’s “Darwinian Dilemma for Realist Theories of Value” (this journal, 2006). I argue by separation of cases: From the assumption that a certain normative claim is true, I argue that the first horn of the dilemma is tenable for realists. Then, from the assumption that the same normative claim is false, I argue that the second horn is tenable. Either way, then, the Darwinian dilemma does not add anything to realists’ epistemic worries.
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  10. Moral Deference and Authentic Interaction.Knut Olav Skarsaune - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy 113 (7):346-357.
    The article defends a mild form of pessimism about moral deference, by arguing that deference is incompatible with authentic interaction, that is, acting in a way that communicates our own normative judgment. The point of such interaction is ultimately that it allows us to get to know and engage one another. This vindication of our intuitive resistance to moral deference is upheld, in a certain range of cases, against David Enoch’s recent objection to views that motivate pessimism by appealing to (...)
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  11.  25
    Empowering the Research Community to Investigate Misconduct and Promote Research Integrity and Ethics: New Regulation in Scandinavia.Knut Jørgen Vie - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-19.
    Researchers sometimes engage in various forms of dishonesty and unethical behavior, which has led to regulatory efforts to ensure that they work according to acceptable standards. Such regulation is a difficult task, as research is a diverse and dynamic endeavor. Researchers can disagree about what counts as good and acceptable standards, and these standards are constantly developing. This paper presents and discusses recent changes in research integrity and ethics regulation in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Recognizing that research norms are developed (...)
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  12.  50
    Asymmetries in ethics.Knut Erik Tranöy - 1967 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 10 (1-4):351-372.
    Ethical notions such as good and bad, are often treated as though they were ?symmetric? in the sense of having the same moral ?weight?, one in a positive the other in a negative sense. I argue that they are in fact ?asymmetric? and that the negative members of such pairs of notions are more fundamental and definite, logically speaking, and operationally more important than the positive members. Detailed arguments are given to show this for some non?moral notions, such as life (...)
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  13.  76
    How Economic Incentives May Destroy Social, Ecological and Existential Values: The Case of Executive Compensation.Knut J. Ims, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen & Laszlo Zsolnai - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):353-360.
    Executive compensation has long been a prominent topic in the management literature. A main question that is also given substantial attention in the business ethics literature—even more so in the wake of the recent financial crisis—is whether increasing levels of executive compensation can be justified from an ethical point of view. Also, the relationship of executive compensation to instances of unethical behavior or outcomes has received considerable attention. The purpose of this paper is to explore the social, ecological, and existential (...)
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  14. Vision in a complete achromat: A personal account.Knut Nordby - 1990 - In R. F. Hess, L. T. Sharpe & K. Nordby, Night Vision: Basic, Clinical and Applied Aspects. Cambridge University Press.
  15. Deservingness Transfers.Knut Olav Skarsaune - 2020 - Utilitas 32 (2):209-218.
    This article seeks to cause trouble for a brand of consequentialism known as ‘desertarianism’. In somewhat different ways, views of this kind evaluate outcomes more favourably, other things equal, the better the fit between the welfare different people enjoy and the welfare they each deserve. These views imply that we can improve outcomes by redistributing welfare to fit desert, which seems plausible enough. Unfortunately, they also imply that we can improve outcomes by redistributing desert to fit welfare: in other words, (...)
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    Lectures on Political Economy : Two Volumes.Knut Wicksell - 2010 - Routledge.
    Known as the "economist's economist" for his work on creating a synthetic economic theory, Swedish economist Knut Wicksell was a controversial, but highly influential figure in modern economic thought. His contributions to marginal productivity theory, income distribution and, most notably, his theory of interest would come to have a profound impact upon twentieth century economic theory, not least in the work of John Maynard Keynes. First published in English in 1934 and 1935, this _Routledge Revival_ set is a reissue (...)
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    Buddha Nature.Knut A. Jacobsen & Sallie B. King - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:271.
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  18. Metaethics as conceptual engineering.Knut Olav Skarsaune - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (4):514-536.
    On the traditional approach to metaethics, theories are expected to be faithful to ordinary normative discourse—or at worst (if we think the ordinary discourse is metaphysically unsound) to deviate from it as little as possible. This paper develops an alternative, “conceptual engineering” approach to metaethical enquiry, which is not in this way restricted by our present discourse. On this approach, we will seek to understand the psychology, semantics, metaphysics and epistemology, not just of our present concepts, but also of other (...)
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  19. Creativity, innovation, and the production of wealth.Knut Sogner - 2018 - In Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis & Alexei M. Marcoux, The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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    Aligning Civic and Corporate Leadership with Human Dignity: Activism at the Intersection of Business and Government.Knut Kipper - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):125-133.
    From a tradition of discourse ethics, human dignity can be defined as “being an equal member in the realm of subjects and authorities of justification.” Additionally, “to act with dignity means being able to justify oneself to others; to be treated in accordance with this dignity means being respected as such an equal member.” Conversely, “to treat others in ways that violate their dignity means regarding them as lacking any justification authority”. The guidelines found in Habermas’s “ideal speech situation” are (...)
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    Prakr̥ti in Samkhya-yoga: Material Principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications.Knut A. Jacobsen - 1999 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    The second part of the book gives a systematic analysis of this important principle in the Proto-Samkhya, Samkhya, and Samkhya-Yoga texts."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Mediatization – Empirical perspectives: An introduction to a special issue.Knut Lundby, Stig Hjarvard & Andreas Hepp - 2010 - Communications 35 (3):223-228.
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    Die Bedeutung der Mathematik für die Philosophie bei Fichte.Knut Radbruch - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 22:251-263.
    Der weit gereiste Henrik Steffens schildert im vierten Band seiner zehnbändigen Autobiographie Was ich erlebte eine Begegnung mit Fichte gegen Ende des Jahres 1793.
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  24.  70
    Hume on morals, animals, and men.Knut Erik Tranöy - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (3):94-103.
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    Cooperation and Competition in the Context of Organic and Mechanic Worldviews – A Theoretical and Case based Discussion.Knut J. Ims & Ove D. Jakobsen - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):19-32.
    In this study we argue that there is an interconnection between; the mechanistic worldview and competition, and the organic worldview and cooperation. To illustrate our main thesis we introduce two cases; first, Max Havelaar, a paradigmatic case of how business might function in an economy based upon solidarity and sustainability. Second, TINE, a Norwegian grocery corporation engaged in collusion in order to force a small competitor out of the market. On the one hand, in order to encourage market behaviour that (...)
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    The foundations of cognitive activity: An historical and systematic sketch.Knut Erik Tranöy - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):131 – 150.
    Among the foundations of the sciences and the humanities should be counted the norms and values which they necessarily presuppose. This argument requires us to view science and scholarship (systematic cognitive activity) as deliberate and complex forms of human activity . Human action can be ('rationally') guided and legitimated only by reference to norms and values. It is shown that, historically, there are at least three distinct traditions: (1) The Platonic-Aristotelian, (2) the Baconian, and (3) the Weberian. The first is (...)
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    There is no now: an archaeology of contemporaneity.Knut Ebeling - 2017 - [Berlin]: Sternberg Press.
    Drawing together discourses on contemporaneity and new materialisms, this book examines a material conception of temporality that makes it possible to develop a critique of the philosophical discourse on presence. Claiming that 'there is no now,' Ebeling develops an archaeology of contemporaneity according to which the traces of the contemporary can only be secured through visual or material operations, not historical ones.
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    Contemplating Rainer Forst’s Justification and Critique: Toward a Critical Theory of Politics and The Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice—Book Reviews.Knut Kipper - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):207-213.
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    The Art of Searching: On “Wild Archaeologies” from Kant to Kittler.Knut Ebeling - 2016 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (51).
    The article focuses on the phenomenon of “Wild Archaeologies” – that is, on “archaeologies” that have appeared in the history of knowledge outside of Classical Archaeology: The first of these projects one thinks of, is of course Foucault’s L’archéologie du savoir, but there has also been Freud’s archaeology of the soul, Benjamin’s archaeology of modernity as well as Kittler’s archaeology of media – and even Kant’s archaeology of metaphysics. All of these various projects experimented with a material reflection of temporality (...)
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  30. What is this thing you call color : can a totally color-blind person know about color?Knut Nordby - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter, Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
  31. Jargon of Authenticity.Knut Tarnowski & Frederic Will (eds.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    This devastating polemical critique of the existentialist philosophy of Martin Heidegger is a monumental study in Adorno's effort to apply qualitative analysis to the content and impact of cultural phenomena.
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    Metaschematismus und formale Anzeige. Über ein biblisch-paulinisches Rüstzeug des Denkens bei Johann Georg Hamann und Martin Heidegger.Knut Martin Stünkel - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (3):259-287.
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    Erratum to: The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review.Knut Engedal, Elisabeth Flo & Bettina S. Husebo - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):52.
    BackgroundThe Liverpool Care Pathway is an interdisciplinary protocol, aiming to ensure that dying patients receive dignified and individualized treatment and care at the end-of-life. LCP was originally developed in 1997 in the United Kingdom from a model of cancer care successfully established in hospices. It has since been introduced in many countries, including Norway. The method was withdrawn in the UK in 2013. This review investigates whether LCP has been adapted and validated for use in nursing homes and for dying (...)
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    The commandment of love in Kierkegaard and Caputo.Knut Alfsvåg - 2014 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 56 (4):473-488.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 56 Heft: 4 Seiten: 473-488.
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    Ethical Problems of Scientific Research.Knut Erik Tranöy - 1996 - The Monist 79 (2):183-196.
    The issue of "forbidden knowledge" is as old as the second chapter of Genesis. Now, after an interlude of "value-free science," the issue has resurfaced in connection with late twentieth-century research and development. In this revival, attention has for the most part been focussed on specific and often controversial cases such as military R&D, medical research on living humans and animals and, more recently, on genetic technology and new reproductive techniques. Undoubtedly, part of the reason for this resurgence is the (...)
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    Cusanus and Luther on human liberty.Knut Alfsvåg - 2012 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 54 (1):66-80.
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    The significance of participation in transcendence in Luther and Przywara.Knut Alfsvåg - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (3):229-250.
    Summary Plato and Aristotle understood phenomena to be knowable to the extent that they participate in the reality of the unchangeable, and this attitude was appropriated by the church fathers as a way of exploring the world’s dependence on its Creator. Luther’s insistence on the world’s sinfulness and on salvation as one-sidedly dependent on divine agency has been criticized as a rejection of this understanding of the inherent goodness of the world, thus paving the way for the secularized world view (...)
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    “With God all things are possible” – Luther and Kierkegaard on the relation between immutability, necessity and possibility.Knut Alfsvåg - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (1):44-57.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 60 Heft: 1 Seiten: 44-57.
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    The Art of Judicial Reasoning: Festschrift in Honour of Carl Baudenbacher.Knut Almestad, Jean-Luc Baechler, Benedikt Bogason, Henrik Bull, Francis Delaporte, Luis José Diez Canseco Núñez, Peter Freeman, Vladimir Golitsyn, Irmgard Griss, Marc Jaeger, Koen Lenaerts, Paul Mahoney, Andreas Mundt, Sven Norberg, Toril Marie Øie, Þorgeir Örlygsson, Anne-José Paulsen, Georges Ravarani, Hubertus Schumacher, Vassilios Skouris, Gian-Flurin Steinegger, Sven Erik Svedman, Antonio Tizzano, Marc van der Woude, Bo Vesterdorf & Jean-Claude Wiwinius - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book, formed as a series of essays in honour of Professor Carl Baudenbacher, addresses the very art of judicial reasoning, and features contributions from many of the foremost current or former national, supranational, or international judges. This unique volume is intended first and foremost for legal scholars, but its approachable style makes it readily accessible for students and for those with a general interest in the application of the law and justice in today's multi-layered world. The collection of essays (...)
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    Der halbierte Tod: Thanatologische Reflexionen zur Suizidproblematik.Knut Berner - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 54 (3):206-212.
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    Dwellings of Evil.Knut Berner - 2012 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):127-141.
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    Glanz und Elend der Intimität: Theologisch-ethische Überlegungen zu menschlichen Naherwartungen.Knut Berner - 2005 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 49 (1):266-277.
    Fora human being, intimacy is relevant for bis self-conception, bis relationships with others, with material objects and with god. Intimacy proves its glamour and its susceptibility to trouble in these four perceptional areas. The essay covers positive and negative aspects of some changes in perceptions of intimacy that result from social change and the introduction of new technologies. Theological ethics serves to limit and protect intimacy. At the same time, theological ethics has to emphasise and to substantiate the meaning of (...)
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    Local anaesthesia, the increase of the evil through emotional impoverishment.Knut Berner - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):161-169.
    Evil should be characterised as a specific constellation, which results from destructive connections between individual activities and systemic influences. The article shows some important aspects of the structure of evil and prefers the terms of wickedness and obscene coincidences to describe its own character. Therefore, also the division between rationality and affectivity appears as inadequate, because evil has on the one side an intrinsic attractiveness for individuals and is on the other side in modern societies more and more a product (...)
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    Leerstelle Schönheit.Knut Berner - 2014 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 56 (3).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 56 Heft: 3 Seiten: 306-330.
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    Nächstenschaft und Sozialchoreographien: Die >Evidenz des Ethischen< am Ort sozialer Wirklichkeiten.Knut Berner - 1999 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 43 (1):187-200.
    The changing of social realities requires a new discussion about the important theological and philosophical thesis, that the command of charity further is self-evident in modern societies. The article describes some problems of this point of view and prefers an ethical theory, which espacially recognizes the artificial character of social choreographics and intends to show their implikations for a theory of cognition, a concept of anthropology and responsible personal acting.
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    Ohne Ansehen der Person: Gottes Unsichtbarkeit und die Transformation einer Ethik der Augesichtigkeit.Knut Berner - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):169-180.
    This article describes the intrinsic ambivalence of the face-to-face communication and gives examples to support its thesis, that there is no reason for preferring a concept of human understanding, which ignores the medial influences for personal communication in modern societies. The remembrance ofGod's invisibility also gives- especially for theological ethics - some further aspects to transform the traditional opinion, that only the visibility and authentic presentation of persans can be a good foundation formoral acting.
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    Theorie des Bösen: zur Hermeneutik destruktiver Verknüpfungen.Knut Berner - 2004 - Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener.
    Nach Auschwitz -- Vom Sich-Zeigen und Sich-Entziehen des Bösen -- Indikatoren der Wirksamkeit des Bösen und Fokussierung des Gemeinen -- Zur Epigenese des Bösen -- Zum Aufbau der Untersuchung -- Provokationen: Epigenese, Banalität und Attraktivität des Bösen -- Systematisierungen: Zur Erkenntnis und Hermeneutik des Bösen -- Typologien: Theologisches Denken des Bösen -- Schlussbetrachtung: Dialektik und Epigenese des Bösen.
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    The gosforth cross.Knut Berg - 1958 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (1/2):27-43.
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    Todesdeutungen im Konflikt. Dogmatische und ethische Überlegungen zum Umgang mit dem Lebensende.Knut Berner - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (3):306-322.
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    Ethics Review in Norway: Psychologists and Psychology Projects.Knut Dalen - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):19-21.
    In Norway, research ethics committees in medicine are organized as interdisciplinary regional committees. Since 1999, Norway requires that one member of each ethics committee be a psychologist. Competence in psychology is considered relevant not only when evaluating psychology projects. As discussed in this article, a competence in psychology is also relevant for evaluating a number of issues common to all research involving human subjects as well as in the evaluation of protocols where other professionals have employed psychological methodologies.
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